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m6A Technique Comparision

Method m6A-seq and MeRIP-seq m6A-SEAL miCLIP-seq DART-seq m6A-REF-seq and MAZTER-seq m6A-label-seq m6A-SAC-seq
Site-specific No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Quantitative No No No No1 Yes No Yes
Covering all motifs Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
Directly detecting m6A sites No No No2 No2 No3 Yes Yes
Frozen sample compatible Yes Yes Yes No4 Yes No5 Yes
Antibody-free No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes
Starting material 2-400 μg mRNA 5 μg mRNA 20 μg mRNA 10 ng-1 μg total RNA 100 ng mRNA 5 μg total RNA 2-50 ng mRNA
Identified sites 10,841-12,558 8,605 21,494-37,183 12,672 4,231-17,007 2,479 71,547
  1. Can estimate the modification fraction based on C to U mutation ratio, which is indirect and inaccurate. 

  2. Mutate flanking U (miCLIP-seq) or C (DART-seq) sites, thereby inferring the position of m6A sites.  2

  3. Cut at A sites, thereby inferring the fraction of m6A modification. 

  4. Need to express the APOBEC1-YTH fusion protein in cells. 

  5. Need to culture cells in Se-allyl-L-selenohomocysteine medium for 16 h.Â